Sweet Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are a healthy snack, and what’s great, is that you can make them with so many different flavor combinations! I recently sprouted some chickpeas, and had been contemplating what to do with them when I decided to roast them into little delicious maple cinnamon snacks.  Roasting chickpeas is pretty simple, the trick is […]

Apple Rhubarb Breakfast Quinoa

I have seen posts about people eating quinoa for breakfast, and I’ve even been tempted to make Oats for dinner. It all seems a bit backwards, but quinoa is a protein packed grain with a wonderful nutty flavor, so it only makes sense that it would go great with breakfast! Who hasn’t enjoy fruit and […]

Coconut Chocolate Melts

While I was making these Peanut Butter Chocolate Melts, I thought I would make a second batch with Coconut… These chocolates melt in your mouth and are filled with Coconut for added crunch and flavor. They are ridiculously easy to make, because I used chocolate chips instead of making my own chocolate with cocoa butter. […]

Peanut Butter Chocolate Melts

I have a pretty dominant sweet tooth, and – while I try to avoid it – I can often be found eating chocolate chips by the handful.  The other day, while I was making peanut butter, and munching away on a couple chocolate chips, I had the brilliant idea of making some Chocolate Peanut Butter […]

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

I wanted to bake something special with the kids today. They have been missing their Daddy, and I felt like a special treat was in order, so I let them decide what we were going to make. I was happy when we all decided on Chocolate Chip Cookies, because there is something about mixing up […]

Cinnamon Sugar Muffins

Do you dream about cinnamon sugar donuts? They are sugary, delicious and so not healthy. Up here in Canada, we call donut holes “Timbits”, which happens to be the name of one of our dogs – he looks a bit like a sour cream glazed donut hole – so you can imagine how much I […]

Chocolate Coconut Squares

The other day, I made these Raspberry Coconut Squares, and I loved them so much. I still have a few in my freezer, which will be perfect if anybody spontaneously shows up for afternoon tea… Or I will just continue defrosting them one by one and eating them myself – we’ll see.  The coconut batter […]

Raspberry Coconut Squares

When I woke up this morning, I knew I wanted to bake something, the question was: “what should I bake?” So, I asked my kids what they would like to bake with me, and so we all decided to bake something pink. I initially thought we should bake some Beet Juice Sugar Cookies, but once […]