Bursting Blueberry Muffins

I came up with this recipe one morning at breakfast when I was looking for a way to use up some blueberries in the fridge. When I took them out of the oven, I was pleasantly surprised at how amazing they looked and tasted. The blueberries were bursting in the muffins, and the muffins were […]

Peanut Butter Chia Energy Bites

These energy bites are perfect midday pick me ups, and great for a post workout protein boost! This recipe makes about 12 bite-sized snacks, each one providing approximately 5g of protein! No baking required, these are great snacks to prepare on a Sunday night before starting a work week. Just keep the energy bites in […]

Hidden Veggie Toddler Muffins

These toddler muffins taste just like chocolate chip banana muffins, except they are loaded with vegetables! I love the pink hue the batter makes, and I love eating them even more.  Here is my recipe for Sneaky Veggie Muffins: Ingredients: 1 Small Beet (Peeled) 1 Carrot 1 Cup Spinach 2 Ripe Bananas 1/4 Cup Vegetable […]

Cranberry Lemon Muffins

These muffins are delicious, and taste just like the cranberry lemon muffins I’ve had at the local coffee shop. The blender is great for this recipe, because it will shrink down all the dried cranberry bits so you get all of the flavour in every bite. If you don’t use a blender, that’s okay too, […]

Sesame Lime Sauce

This sesame lime sauce is perfect over noodles with veggies. I served it here with my coconut crusted tofu, and it was delicious! Here is my recipe for Sesame Lime Sauce: Ingredients: 1 tsp Sesame Oil 4 Tbsp Soy Sauce 3 Tbsp Lime Juice 3 Tbsp Brown Sugar 1/2 Cup Water 1 Tbsp Corn Starch  […]

Cranberry Oat Bars

Granola bars are one easy snack, that I’m am fairly certain every child has had in their lunch pack at school, at some point in their life. With nut allergies on the rise, many schools are now ‘nut-free’ zones, which limits the store bought granola bar options. Add in a vegan diet, and your granola […]

Split Chickpea Leek Soup

This soup is so easy to make, perfect for a day when your hands are full. Minimal time in the kitchen is required and it tastes delicious! I relied on this soup a handful of times while my husband was away for work last fall. I tossed all the ingredients in a pot in the […]

Banana Muffins – Blender Muffins

I heard of blender muffins before, and liked the concept: not dirtying extra dishes and simplifying the method of mixing ingredients. That being said, I never made blender muffins before, until recently. I was making these banana muffins, and half way through mashing the bananas, I thought it would be so much easier to do […]